Gastric Balloon
The gastric balloon is used for patients who have a BMI lower than 35. This procedure lasts on average ten minutes with staying in hospital for about an hour afterwards. The actual procedure is normally painless, non-surgical and does not require a long recovery time.
The gastric balloon is inserted into the stomach through the mouth which is inflated with either silicon or air.When filled, it reduces the capacity of the stomach and makes the patients feel full after eating just a small portion of food, resulting in weight loss.
The gastric balloon is only temperory and is only left in place for a maximum of six months. It is intended to jump start weight loss. It is not designed as a long term solution and is not recommended for those who are grossly obese.
It may be a temporary answer for those with high BMI’s with health risks making other procedures impossible.
Gastric Band
The gastric band ( also called a lap band ) is for patients with a BMI over 30 and for those who are chronically overweight or obese and is carried out using keyhole surgery. This method takes about an hour and requires patients to stay overnight in the hospital with recovery from surgery about two weeks.
The gastric band is a hollow ring wraped around the stomach. It is filled with fluid tightening the ring, which reduces the capacity of the stomach. It also slows the rate at which food can be digested.
Gastric bands can be adjusted throughout to accommodate more or less food as the patient and surgeon see fit.
Gastric Bypass
A gastric bypass is the most complex and invasive of the three procedures. It effects both the stomach and small intestine. The gastric bypass is most frequently recommended for those with a BMI of 30 or over. The procedure is a lifelong commitment to a healthy lifestyle which requires dieting, exercise, and daily dietary supplements.
During gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is portioned off to reduce its ability to hold large amounts of food. The small intestine is also re-routed to prevent the full absorption of consumed foods.
This combination procedure is the most invasive of the three forms and will require up to six weeks of recovery time. It also has the most drastic results, patients can loose as much as 80% of their excess weight.
The gastric bypass does holds more health risks than the other procedures. Those with medical disorders that could make surgery risky, may not qualify for the gastric bypass. Patients who receive the surgery must take dietary supplements for the rest of their life.
Possible side effects of Gastric Band Surgery Procedure
- Lung Problems
- Spleen Injury
- Band Slippage
- Bleeding after Surgery
- Wound Infections
- Blood Clots
This is not a complete list and symptoms can vary with individuals.
People CAN fail to lose weight with a real Gastric Band Procedure!
Throughout my many years helping people lose weight via the Gastric Band Hypnosis session at my office in Belfast, I have also had clients who had the TRUE operation and never lost any weight at all ! .
They liquidise chocolate bars or drink melted ice cream... I have even known one of them eating a Chinese meal over a 10 HOUR period, others overdo drinking their wine and still have their weight, because they never understood they must also follow a diet, as well as exercise to maintain their weight loss!
So how do people lose weight and keep it off?
We all know that diet, exercise and nutrition play a large part, but being healthy has a lot to do with motivation to stick to your plans and taking care of yourself in the correct way, and dealing with the stresses of modern day life without the need to comfort eat.
The good news is that the solution is right here, right now. All this is addressed with the unique Fast Track Gastric Band Hypnosis session
Fast Track Gastric Band Hypnosis has been designed to provide the client with the sense of feeling fuller faster. It also helps change the beliefs, attitude, emotions and behaviour of the client towards food and their eating habits, and more towards eating healthily and treating their body with the love and respect it deserves. The key advantages to the Fast Track Gastric Band Hypnosis session are the fraction of the cost of real surgery, none of the risks associated with having a general anaesthetic and an invasive surgical procedure, as well as enhancing your will and determination to maintain your diet and lose your weight - the way you want to - the Fast Track Gastric Band Hypnosis system!